
Investing & innovating in France

Contributions of new public funding plans (France 2030, PIA 4...)

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Since the covid-19 pandemic, many programs have been launched at local, national and European levels. What are the differences and objectives of these different plans?

Since the European initiative Next Generation EU, the name chosen for recovery and resilience programs, all countries have implemented their plans locally. France introduced its France Recovery Plan in September 2020, and then launched various programmes to take over the recovery, but above all to invest: the France 2030, PIA4 and other plans were born from this.

To help you navigate through this information, Ayming presents in this white paper the different programs and the open calls for tender.

This white paper presents:

  • A presentation of the European initiative
  • A presentation of the different programs
  • The open calls for projects, by sector
  • And more !

Download this free white paper and learn more about investing & innovating in France!